Our Projects & Programmes role makes up part of our committee that helps to manage the delivery of our front line activities and the post is currently vacant. Think you can help us get organised?
The core responsibilities of the Projects & Programmes role are to:
• oversee the management and delivery of our front line projects and programmes
• track and report on progress at committee
All our roles have a little flexibility in them, so if there are things that you’re interested in that are not in the description, then we’re very happy to try and accommodate your interests.
To find out more about the role, please send us your details by emailing chair@esplanadefriends.org.uk so we can arrange to have a chat with you about it.
Friends of Rochester Churchfields & Esplanade (FoRCE)
At home, online meetings via zoom, in-person meetings in the Esplanade (Rochester) area.