
Additional Support for not-for-profit community groups

National supermarket Asda has a charity, called The Asda Foundation and has announced it is providing a grant for local community groups in the UK who will be affected by the Cost of Living Crisis.

The grant has a minimum payment of £400.00 and a maximum payment of £1,600.00 and is open until 21st April 2023.

The Cost of Living Grant scheme is managed by Local Community Champions.

The objectives of the fund are to help local community groups cope with the increase in their running costs and the provision of warm banks is included.

The proposals from organisations must meet the following criteria:

  • Be true to their community mission
  • People centred
  • Efficiently run
  • Locally focused
Please note: only local not-for-profit community groups can apply.

To find out more information about this grant, please visit the site below:

This grant can also be found on Medway Voluntary Action’s website as well as other grants and additional support, please click on the below link to look at the help and support of the VCS organisations and service users:

Medway Voluntary Action | Cost of Living Crisis (

Finally, are you aware that Medway Voluntary Action is hosting a Cost of Living Crisis Summit on 29th March 2023 between 10AM and 12PM?

Some of your VCS peers will be speaking at the summit, John Norley (Age UK Medway), Martyn Reeves (Friends of Wisdom Hospice) and David Stokes (Nucleus Arts).
To sign up for the event please click on the following link: