The Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance is making a call for funding applications for projects aimed at improving and supporting the earlier cancer diagnosis and cancer care for patients in the region.
Formed in 2016, The
Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance brings together clinical and senior leaders, as well as patient representatives comprised from the local NHS Trusts, including:
One of the main purposes of the Alliance is to work towards the targets and fulfil the objectives as set out now in the
NHS Long Term Plan.
Transformational Funding from the Alliance looks to encourage this work by offering support to projects which would help to reach the
ambitions of the long-term plan, to diagnose 75% of cancers at an early stage by 2028.
The Alliance appreciate the work involved goes beyond the existing approaches to illness and treatment, as people need support not only through getting the right amount of awareness of cancer symptoms to come forward: They would also need encouragement and support to have the confidence to come forward.
This is why the Alliance will especially
welcome applications that support their priorities for the 2022/23 period, which include:
- Faster Diagnosis and Operational Improvement
- Earlier Diagnosis, and
- Personalised Care and Treatment
In addition to this, the Alliance say they will focus on three groups who experience health inequalities in the Kent and Medway region:
- Ethnic minorities,
- Coastal communities, and
- People with physical and sensory disabilities.
Launching the call for applications recently, the Alliance will be hosting two
Drop-in Q&A sessions being held online through Microsoft Teams for applicants to discuss any ideas, or to gain help and advice from the Alliance’s team:
- Friday 1st April 2022 between midday and 2pm – earlier diagnosis focus
- Wednesday 6th April 2022 between midday and 2pm – personalised care focus
The Alliance asks that delegates interested in attending a session should contact
Sarah Barker, part of the Alliance’s Early Diagnosis Team, by
email at to receive a MS Teams link.
The Alliance advise the deadline for completed applications – which MUST be sent by email to - is at close of business on 15th April 2022.
more information or application pack, which includes the
official bid form for evaluation, you can
contact the Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance by email at