
Celebrating those who Help Others in the Community – The Barry Clout Awards 2023

Nominations are being invited by Medway Voluntary Action (MVA) to receive the Barry Clout Award for outstanding contribution to others within the community and across Medway.

Barry Clout was a MVA Trustee and longstanding supporter of the Voluntary Sector. He had great appreciation of the involvement and the contribution that the sector still makes to improve both the lives of people in need and in community.

Barry worked hard to make the world a better place until the day before he died.

In memory of Barry Clout, this award is presented each year to a nominee for their involvement, their support, and their impact on the community and across the Medway region.

If you know someone who deserves a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ on behalf of the people of Medway, then MVA ask you to take a few moments of your time to nominate them by requesting A Barry Clout Award Nomination Form.

MVA advises that applicants should show the impact that the nominee has had on the wider voluntary sector, this could include:
  • Commitment
  • What has the nominee achieved
  • Have they overcome any adversity, challenges, or setbacks in achieving their work
  • Who has benefited
The closing date for nominations is Tuesday the 10th of October 2023, with winners being presented with their award at Medway Voluntary Action's AGM later this year.

To find out more about nominating, or for further enquiries, you can email MVA at, you can also contact MVA via the website.