
Charity Digital - How Power Mapping can Improve Charity Campaigns, June 2023

National Newscaster Charity Digital explores the subject of power mapping; what it is and how it works, and how it could be used to create long-term change.

It is said that if you want change to happen, ultimately it pays to know who holds the power.

Knowing who holds power really does matter, because then you can identify who it is that can enable the change you want to see, and so more effort can be focused on reaching out and influencing them.

Power mapping is a good way to identify who has power in the community, and to figure out what will move those individuals or institutions to do whatever it is you want them to do.

By creating a power map, it can help find out and recognize:
  • The key potential allies in your community; the individuals and organizations who are likely to be on your side and who have the ability to influence others
  • Those who could oppose your plan, and those in the middle who could be brought over to your side, and
  • What would be the effective ways or method that could be used to communicate with your community
National Newscaster Charity Digital provides a feature that explores this subject further, explaining what it is and how it works, and how it can create long-term change.

With an example case study, they also look at power mapping in action, to help show how charities can use power mapping to create meaningful change.

To read this feature, visit the Charity Digital website.