
Charity Digital - How to find Inclusive Stock Imagery

National Newscaster Charity Digital offers guidance on how charities can find FREE inclusive stock imagery.

When looking for images to represent and relate to the content on a web design, a blog post, press release, or any other live content, it’s important to address the range of diversity out there.

This range can depend on the subject being talked about, but to be inclusive the demographic of an audience should be considered; be it multiculturalism, age, identity, sexuality, even physical or mental impairments.

Images are the first step to capturing your audience’s attention, and it’s been shown that content represented with images provides more of a connection with audiences than content without images.

So, while sourcing an image it would pay to find ones that not only fit the topic, but also takes advantage of the opportunity to appeal to the multiple demographics within your audience.

But diversity is a broad term, and stock photography, like any commercial industry, still has a diversity problem.

So, how do you find images that can recognize and relate to the variety within your audience?

National newscaster Charity Digital offers some solutions for charities to find FREE inclusive stock imagery.

As well as including tips on how to use inclusive stock images, their guidance also provides a list of sites and webpage locations collected by category and characteristics to help charities find the right image for their subject matter.

To read the guidance, visit the Charity Digital website.