
Funding Round-up – Community (part 1), May 2022

Here is a collection of funding rounds from local and national organisations focusing on community themes aimed at helping charities continue work.

Due to the varying nature and progress of public policies and other related activity, MVA do advise that some of the information below may have changed since the time of its issue, and whilst every effort has been made to provide up-to-date details, they ask that readers please check with each organisation’s website for the latest news.

The Arnold Clark Community Fund
Recently relaunched, the Fund is now open to all UK registered charities and local community groups that have been significantly affected by the coronavirus pandemic and need financial assistance. The fund is also open to community interest companies (CIC), charitable incorporated organisations (CIO) and social enterprises.
The deadline for applications is 30th June 2022.
For more information and how to apply, visit the Arnold Clark website.

KCC - Combined Members Grants
The Kent County Council (KCC) is offering its annual round of funding to help community projects across Kent by using the Combined Members Grant to fund them.
In 2021/22, each Kent County Council Member has £10,000 to allocate
for community grants. These grants can support a lot of different activities, which can include:
  • Community safety schemes
  • Sports projects
  • Larger refurbishment projects in community halls
KCC say the grants are available to properly-constituted organisations, such as voluntary and community groups, societies and charities, social enterprises and parish/town councils for projects that benefit local communities.
KCC advise that applicants contact their local county councillor, who can also advise them if they are unsure if their group or organisation is eligible and to find out how to apply.
At the time of writing, KCC advised this scheme is a Continuous Rolling Programme OR until funding is spent.
For more information and how to apply, visit the KCC website.

FCC Community Action Fund
Grants are available to not-for-profit organisations for amenity projects eligible under Object D of the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF); “..the provision, maintenance or improvement of a public park or another public amenity..”.
Capital grants of up to £100,000 are available, but the funders advise that projects be within 10 miles of an eligible FCC Environment waste facility site, as well as be used for the provision, maintenance, or improvement of the following types of public amenity:
  • Village halls and community centres
  • Public play areas
  • Publicly available Multi use games areas, skate parks and BMX tracks
  • Sport and recreation grounds including pavilions and clubhouses with full public access
  • Churches – community spaces only
  • Nature reserves
  • Public gardens, parks, country parks, woodlands with dawn to dusk access
  • Museums
The funders say costs for the required funding can include: contractors, materials, capital items, small items of equipment used by volunteers and staff to deliver the project.
The deadline for applications is 8th June 2022 with further dates to announced later in the year.
More information and how to apply can be found at the funder’s website.

Awards for All from National Lottery Community Fund
National Lottery’s Awards for All offers grants of up to £10,000 for grassroots and community activity that aims to:
  • bring people together and building strong relationships in and across communities;
  • improve the places and spaces that matter to communities; and/or
  • enable more people to fulfil their potential by working to address issues at the earliest possible stage.
Charities, community or not-for-profit groups, parish or town councils, health bodies, or schools are eligible to apply.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, National Lottery says the programme will continue to support people and communities most adversely impacted by the crisis.
This is a Continuous Rolling Programme, which means there is no deadline and applications can be submitted at any time.
More information can be found at the National Lottery website.

If you would like to see coverage of specific funding or grant rounds to help your charity, your project, your community group or enterprise, you can get in touch by email at, you can also contact MVA via the website.