Aviva Community Fund (ACF) are on a mission to build a brighter future. Their ambition is for the UK to become the most climate-ready large economy by 2030 and help people and communities feel positive about their financial futures. This is why their two key focus areas are:
- Climate action—promoting healthy, thriving communities by preventing, preparing for and protecting against the impacts of climate change
- Financial wellbeing—helping people take control of their wellbeing by giving them the tools to be more financially independent and ready for anything
And it's about more than money - the ACF also gives causes access to volunteers, as well as tools and resources to help build their capabilities and achieve long-term sustainable success.
The Funder advises that eligible projects should submit an online application form and create a project page which explains their idea.
These pages would then be available to all Aviva employees to browse and donate to, and applicants can also share their pages to also raise public donations.
More information and
how to apply can be found on the ACF
At the time of writing, The Funders had announced there were no longer any specified deadlines, which means applications would be accepted at any time. Please check their website for the latest news and changes.