
Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board Strategic Plan 2022 to 2025, October 2022

The new Strategic Plan has been released from The Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB), setting out how they will protect adults with care and support needs or those at risk.

As a statutory, independently led multi-agency partnership, KMSAB exists to make sure that all partners work together to help keep Kent and Medway's adults safe from harm and protect their rights.

The aim of the new Plan is to protect adults, and prevent adults with care and support needs from the risk of abuse, or neglect and support and promote their wellbeing.

The Plan also sets out and guides partners that work together do so in the best possible way, making sure that the safeguarding system is always improving through shared learning.

The Plan focuses on three important areas:
  • Putting adults at the centre of their work
  • Making sure that organisations are working well together to support adults
  • Helping the organisations KMSAB work with to keep getting better
The Strategic Plan also shows the schedule of how these areas will be met over the next three years.

To find out more, or to read the Strategy Plan itself, visit the KMSAB website.