
Medway & Swale HCP Autumn

The latest newsletter from Medway and Swale Health and Care Partnership (HCP) is now available, offering the latest news that showcases the work and events within The Partnership.

Based in and around the local region, the Medway and Swale’s HCP involves a wide range of stakeholders and public bodies working in co-operation with each other.

They include the immediate hospital, community healthcare providers, the mental health trust, councils, and commissioning colleagues, as well Healthwatch representatives.

This collaboration works to design and deliver services to meet the needs of everyone they serve based on their local population, bringing services together on areas of greatest need, helping to reduce health inequalities and improve life expectancy.

They have recently published their latest issue of their HCP Bulletin, which showcases the work and events within The Partnership.

Highlights include a feature about a video profiling work to reduce health inequalities on the Isle of Sheppey, and the HCP’s new guide to offering apprenticeships.

There is also a reminder about the ways that people living in Medway and Swale can share their views to inform The HCP's work, and various coverage of Cost-of Living support available in both Swale and in Medway.

This latest issue of the newsletter is available to download NOW from the Medway and Swale HCP website.

If you have any queries about the stories in this issue or would like to promote your work in the newsletter, you can email The Partnership at