
Technology News Round-up, June 2023

MVA offer a selection of recent articles related to technology.

Charity Digital - How to get Free Tech
No doubt it is a tough time for charities.

The cost-of-living crisis has created a cost-of-giving crisis, with people having less appetite to donate to good causes, which then means charities have less funds to meet the needs of others.

And this is at a time when charities face an increase in demand for the products and services they provide. More than ever, now is the time for cost-savings.

One way that charities can save money is through accessing free, donated, and even discounted tech. But many are not aware of their options, let alone how to take advantage of any opportunity.

So, what options are available to charities to get free, donated, and even discounted tech?

From the best places to find completely free tech and the best discounted tech options, to free advice, support and resources, newscaster Charity Digital explore the best options available to charities.

To read their guide, visit the Charity Digital website.

Social Tariffs - Cheaper Broadband and Phone Packages to help Households
Broadband is now an important service for households. Not only does it keep people entertained, it also allows them to stay connected to friends and family.

But with the cost-of-living crisis hitting wallets hard it seems many are now struggling to stay online, with Citizens Advice recently reporting around 1 Million homes have had to cancel their broadband, simply because it has become too expensive to keep running.

Where the price of some high-speed connections can start at £30 per month, this may not be much of a surprise. However, there is a simple check anyone struggling can make to get broadband at a much cheaper price.

Communications regulator OFCOM has produced a dedicated webpage showing more affordable UK tariffs, as well as a link to that service provider’s website.

Known as ‘Social Tariffs’, these plans can start from as little as £10 per month, and whilst they only offer basic speeds it does give households the opportunity to stay connected.

To find out more and view these low-cost tariffs, visit the OFCOM website.

Charity Digital – The Risks of using Content Bots
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to develop and improve on a regular basis, it is finding its way into more and more industries looking to innovate to help them achieve their goals.

As reported recently, the Charity sector seems to have emerged as a leader in this race, where early adopters report that this technology allows their organisation to move ahead of others.

Content bots are a type of AI technology that uses natural language processing; basically, taking in verbal or written content (like a request or a query) to deliver a rational or logical response.

So, if set up to do so, it could be used to create a variety of content, like news features and articles, online guidance, or similar copy, through to digital adverts and code.

There are benefits to this: Content bots are seen to be quicker, they’re seen to be cheaper, and (allegedly) reliable.

But as with most developing technologies, there are disadvantages too.

For example, there may be times where the quality of the responses it creates looks credible, but upon closer reading doesn’t make any sense at all – or even be inaccurate.

Controversially as well, if content bots are not written or trained properly, can contradict a certain moral standing, where due care and attention is not considered in its output:

So, whilst the content it produces is aimed to inform, if left unchecked by a charity, could have the unforeseen potential to offend (or worse) which would have a direct effect on that charity’s reliability and trust.

To that end, content bots should be considered as a service that can be used merely to assist and help improve a charity’s content marketing strategy, rather than replace it.

Newscaster Charity Digital discuss this subject more in their feature exploring the risks when using content bots, as well as some of the biggest concerns.

To read the feature, visit the Charity Digital website.

MVA continues its efforts to provide coverage of local and national news and events from the Voluntary and Charity Sector.

If you would like to see coverage of specific news or subject to help your charity, your project, your community group or enterprise, you can get in touch by email at, you can also contact MVA via the website.